Stories of Christ

Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 22 - Jesus and His Mother

Jesus and His Mother

Mary was foreordained to be the mother of our Savior long before she came to earth.  Many prophets before the meridian of time foretold that the Only Begotten Son of the Father would be born to the virgin Mary, a precious and chosen vessel of the Lord.  

In the biblical accounts of Jesus' interaction with his mother, he demonstrates his obedience to her and the love that he feels for her.  The account of Jesus' first miracle recorded in the scriptures, when he turned the water into wine at the marriage in Cana, shows the relationship Mary and Jesus had.  When Mary saw that there was no more wine, she turned to her son for help.  And when Mary asked for help, Jesus responded, "Woman, what wilt thou have me to do for thee? that will I do".

Jesus displayed this same devotion to his mother in the last few moments of his life.  When he saw Mary and the Apostle John standing by the cross, he said: "Woman, behold thy son! Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother!". Even in the midst of great pain and suffering, he thought of his mother and her needs.

No other mortal woman will ever have the experiences Mary had of bearing Heavenly Father's physical Son and raising the Messiah.  But Mary did not have to face these tasks alone.  Her husband, Joseph, raised Jesus as his son, teaching and guiding him and preserving his life so he could perform his great mission.

When Jesus tells John "Behold thy Mother", what does he mean? (John 19:26-27)

Bible video Mary the Mother of Jesus. Isn't that picture of Mary SOO beautiful!? 

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